The Dreams Portal
Conversations about dream recall and the meaning of dreams...To dream is a physical, emotional, and spiritual activity. Whether we remember our dreams or not, we have many dreams during our sleeping hours. Then we daydream about how our perfect life would be like, the dream life, amazing adventures, and what we wish for our loved ones…and not so loved others. Sometimes the dreams are about satisfying basic needs…and more often than we care to admit, dreams turn into nightmares. Whichever the case, we are fascinated by the dream state. Every culture on the planet gives dreams a place of importance in both science and spirituality. From the ancient Sumerians to Joseph and the Pharaoh, to the dream interpretation books in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the evil associated to dreamtime during the dark ages, and more recent times (200 years is still recent) dream interpretation as part of psychoanalysis.Today, we continue to navigate all the possibilities when it comes to dreams. What do they mean? What is the meaning of the symbols? The figures? The places? The people?Prophetic, memory encoding, day residue, or a deliberate activity in the astral plane…What do you think? Tune in and join us in our conversations at The Dreams Portal Podcast.Sweet dreams!Join the conversation! Sign up for our mailing list:
29 episodes
Lucid dreaming and the eclipses
In the season 2 finale, Ileana and Ebby talk about how the eclipses of October 14 and October 28, 2023, will have in our ability or regular practice of lucid dreaming and astral traveling. What kind of energy will these eclipses bring...
Season 2
Episode 13

Dreaming of death - what does it mean?
All of us have had that disturbing dream about our loved ones, not so loved ones, and some about our own death. Pulling aside those instances in which this has been a premonition or prophetic dream and the fear that comes with it, have yo...
Season 2
Episode 12

What is discernment and why is it so important in our journey
What is discernment and why is it the most essential thing to have before we start our journey?Is it the ability to exercise good judgment or is it something more? Where does trust fit into this?Join Ebby and Ileana in this conversation...
Season 2
Episode 11

How to start lucid dreaming - Part 2
In the conclusion, Ileana and Helen continue the conversation about how to enter into a state of lucid dreaming but this time at a more advanced level and setting other type of intentions.The lucid dreaming or astral projection experience s...
Season 2
Episode 10

How to start lucid dreaming - Part 1
In this part 1 of 2, Ileana and Helen talk about how to learn to get into a state of lucid dreaming. The techniques discussed in this episode are for those who have never try this experience in a deliberate way, so these can be considered...
Season 2
Episode 9

Working with clients in dream space
In this episode, Ebby Salidas ( shares her experiences in working with clients in dream space to work on their issues and as a learning experience for those who has dream master/astral travel soul abilities. Learn the typ...
Season 2
Episode 7

How to use dream space to rewire ourselves
Ileana and Helen talk about neuroplasticity: the ability to learn new things, change and adapt, and how to use the dream space to practice it. When we go to sleep we enter a space in which we overcome resistance and give ourselves the freedom t...
Season 2
Episode 6

Communication and Collaboration in Dream space
Have you ever felt that you have visited or been visited by others in your dreams and you discuss your problems, work together on something or just catch up?That's because you and the collaborators agreed to that. Sometimes, healers w...
Season 2
Episode 5

Dreams of special meaning to women - Conclusion
The conclusion of this two-part episode. We start where we left off in the previous episode with reoccurring dreams. What are those threads that have significant meaning to women and at what stage in their lives do they start?&nb...
Season 2
Episode 4

Dreams of special meaning to women - Part 1
Though dreams have common threads regardless culture, age, and gender, there are some of these threads that have special meaning to women. In the first of two episodes, Ileana, Helen, and Abby discuss dreams important to women in their roles as...
Season 2
Episode 3

The illusion of time
Why do we keep hearing that "time is an illusion"? Why are we so obsessed with time travel? For some is a matter of control, the familiarity of what is known, and for others is a way to change the present and hope for a better future.&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 2

Are you afraid of the dark?
Are you afraid of the dark? Why?Do you associate the dark with nightmares or a sign of things/events to be afraid of or be cautious about?In this episode, Ileana and Helen talk about why they are NOT afraid of the dark and why you...
Season 2
Episode 1

Animal Symbols in Dreams
Helen Salinas of Alight Healing ( and Ileana talk about the meaning of animals in our dreams. Whether they are beloved pets or cute furry things or animals that we find terrifying, they appear as symbols of the...
Season 1
Episode 14

Opposing elements in dreams - A panel discussion and dream interpretation
In this episode, Helen Salinas of Alight Healing, a medical intuitive and energy healer, and Ebby Salinas of Crow Readings, and astrologer, car reader, and numerologist join Ileana for another dream interpretation that at first glance loo...
Season 1
Episode 13

When dreams become nightmares
This is a special episode featuring a panel discussion about nightmares. Join two of our regular guests, Dianne of Sacred Light Integrations and Ebby Salinas of Crow Readings, and the host, Ileana. The panel talks about what were ni...
Season 1
Episode 12

What are shamanic dreams?
In this episode Dianne, a modern day shaman, is back and this time she shares her understanding of shamanic dreams, the depth of the shamanic journey, and how to navigate the the three worlds in these journeys. Dianne i...
Season 1
Episode 11

Reocurring Dreams Part 2: Escaping the lion's den
Do you have a dream with a theme that keeps coming back every now and then, and sometimes over the years? This is what we call a reoccurring dream and not only it keeps coming, sometimes they add a twist yet keeping the main elements or s...
Season 1
Episode 10

Reocurring Dreams Part 1: The wedding that almost happened
Do you have a dream with a theme that keeps coming back every now and then, and sometimes over the years? This is what we call a reoccurring dream and not only it keeps coming, sometimes they add a twist yet keeping the main elements or s...
Season 1
Episode 9

What is a Dream Master/Astral Traveler Soul Specialty
Are you a dream master/astral traveler?Have you ever been in someone else's dream?In this episode, Jami Derro of Soul Aligning explains what is the Dream Master/Astral Traveler soul specialty and what is in their skills set. The c...
Season 1
Episode 7

Premonition Dreams
Prophetic, bad omen, or announcement of blessings to be received? Have you had any of those dreams that will get you out of bed dancing or...send you to a dark place of worry and fear?In this episode, Ileana and Ebby Salinas tal...
Season 1
Episode 6

Easy Steps to Recall Your Dreams
This is a short segment to give you easy steps to help you recall your dreams and understand their messages.Recall your dream as soon as you wake up when the impressions and emotions are still fresh in your memory. You can writ...
Season 1
Dreams of Past Lives
In this episode, Ileana and Avani Patel of Eternal Alchemists ( talk about how our past lives show up in our dreams to give us guidance and help us understand what we experience at certain moments or our current ...
Season 1
Episode 5

How Spirit Comes to Us in Dreams - Part 2
The continuation of the conversation with Helen Salinas of and an impromptu reading for Ileana. In this second part we talk about dreams about body parts, premonition of disease, and Helen shares her experience with ...
Season 1
Episode 4